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天体运行新观点——宇宙中盖房 造福人类 记浙江温州的企业家 吴青云















在引力粘度作用下,使引力相等离心力时,只不过使月球绕地球作一次 360 度的滚翻运动。这好象飞机绕地球飞一圈一样,不是自转!故此月球相对应地球而言不会自转。教科书证明月球有自由,而自转周期和公转相等的认定是错误的!自然界不同重量的物体,它们在地球引力场里运行的高度就不一样。这就形成:蚊子飞的低,麻雀中间飞,雄鹰半空转的状态。即蚊子不能飞入雄鹰高度,雄鹰力大也不能和蚊子一起飞。是空气对流关系?或大气上升条件造成?是因为它们重量关系而飞行轨道不同!。





中国北京大学学生已经在模拟月宫一号密封仑内实验成功生活了 200 天,目前空中盖房条件齐备(1.碳纤维材料的合成,轻固材料的先进。2.太阳能薄膜发电,即动力和控温。3.密封仓内三态平衡人类生活,北大学生成功200天的密封仑内自然生活。4.量子通信和卫星定位系统等)故此宇宙中盖房,天地里来回居住,过着自然自由长寿幸福生活必定能成功!






宇宙闳博, 树行亿诺。

创维自然: 顺意机时!










-- the celestial body moves new viewpoint -- in the universe builds the house to benefit the humanity!

Traveling through the universe as a tribute to humanity

Peaceful development of the universe is the common aspiration of mankind forever! Look forward to your support and help! The celestial body moves the new viewpoint in the universe builds the house to be able to enable the human heaven and earth to live back and forth, lives the natural freedom the long life happy life!

Geocentric and heliocentric, determined by the human heart:

The month will turn, the month will not turn, physics theorem.

Is it good to be strong, bad to be weak?

The spirit is like true, the fungus time is false, the grade separation divine fungus!

Various celestial bodies in the corresponding space and time in the universe are the basis, pole, class, class, shape, quality and so on

Concepts, through different ways of natural energy transfer to each other, moving, changing. All kinds of raw

Objects also reproduce, evolve, and survive at different temperatures and times in their corresponding objects.

The galactic center is one sun and one earth

Light years, years, days, seconds..

God one person one cell one fungus..

Note: god is higher than human all spirit god, human flesh vision and short life time, simply can not see higher than human all god! It's like bacteria can't see people.

At present, human beings can only understand and recognize the parasitic relationship between living and non-living bodies at a level lower than human beings, and it

Our structure and reproduction. For example, the naked eye can only see people and other objects such as cells, and bacteria are associated with various objects. Because humans live so long, their movements can be observed with a microscope. Can all kinds of bacteria know the human living environment and living conditions and relationship? So humans live on earth and in the visible universe, and bacteria thrive in all kinds of food. Inferring the exploration and research of solar system galactic center and black hole, as for the existence and living conditions of objects higher than human beings (spiritual objects), human beings can not determine the light waves seen by the naked eye in the short time and space! The origin and structure of the universe, the current scientific level of human beings is not able to prove that it is catastrophe said or said swelling! Because the universe is infinite, life is limited. Man can only understand the surface structure of the earth, can only understand the various bacteria lower than man can see under a microscope, their parasitic relationship, that is, the more advanced science to understand their cause! The earth moves through the universe, and its moving force is an object in the universe that humans have discovered or failed to discover and which has great energy: for example, the corresponding sun transfers heat (light energy) through different ways of energy. Magnetic energy) to our earth, the earth constantly along the sun's natural orbit and law to move, change. If our corresponding centromere, the sun, is accelerating, then our earth is spreading through the universe. The universe the earth is in should be a bang theory, the earth from the center of the sun will be further and further away. If the corresponding central object, the sun, slows down and the universe, where the earth lives, contracts, the earth will move closer and closer to its central point, the sun. The universe where the earth is said to be cataclysmic, that is, the earth will hit the central point of the sun at a certain moment and burn or explode! For thousands of years, the surface of the moon has been facing the earth, the reason: because of the strong gravity of the earth to attract the surface of the moon, the moon can only in the earth's gravity, the moon is forever attracted by the strong gravity of the earth, due to the rotation of the earth, the earth's gravitational field is also rotating. When gravitational viscosity equalizes the centrifugal force, it merely causes the moon to roll 360 degrees around the earth. It's like an airplane going around the earth, not spinning! Therefore, the moon does not rotate in relation to the earth. Textbooks prove that the moon has freedom, but the same rotation period and revolution is wrong! Objects of different weights in nature move at different heights in the earth's gravitational field. This forms: the mosquito flies low, the sparrow flies in the middle, the male eagle turns in midair. That is, the mosquito cannot fly into the height of the eagle, and the eagle cannot fly with the mosquito. Is it air convection? Or atmospheric conditions? Because of their weight and different orbits! cars only

The law of natural movement in the gravitational field between celestial bodies. Theorem: the earth's rotation is the gravitational force in gravity places under the action of viscosity, make the quality of a certain proportion of object produces centrifugal force, is equivalent to the gravitational attraction between them, can produce orbit. Orbit is proportional to the height and the quality of the object. The quality of the object and the relative velocity of the earth's rotation and its height is proportional to the "formula is as follows: (celestial theorem and formula)

Build a house in the universe to benefit mankind

There are two kinds of forces in nature, the natural force and the conscious force. Like the earth around the sun, it needs the motion of the sun should be provided, is a natural force. The moon's orbit around the earth is a combination of gravity and centrifugal force. The sun's orbit around the galactic center, and the galactic center's orbit around a central point in the universe, and so on, depends on the different forces of nature that they generate. All natural forces! The other is consciousness! It is a kind of force produced by human beings or higher beings through their own continuous evolution, intelligent improvement and development, making full use of all the laws of energy change and application principles in nature, material innovation and development in nature to use and produce in consciousness! Such as aircraft, artificial satellites, etc., are all meaning!

Students at Peking University in China have successfully lived for 200 days in a simulated yuegong 1 airtight capsule experiment. Solar thin film generation. The three states of balanced human life inside the sealed compartment. Quantum communication and satellite positioning system, etc.) therefore, building houses in the universe, living back and forth between heaven and earth, living a natural, free and happy life is bound to be successful!

Establishment of space science development group corporation (international)

In order to build a house in the universe as soon as possible, live back and forth between heaven and earth, live in nature. Freedom. Live a long and happy life. We need to work together and explore!

To set up the space science development group

Regardless of nationality, power or age. No hatred, the direction of happiness! For mankind to cooperate and win and share resources in the natural environment. Free longevity and a happy life to contribute selfless strength!

The goal is to explore astronomy, geography, sun, moon and stars. Politics moves forward, articles move forward. Love people love nature!

The universe hong bo, tree line billion promise.

Skyworth nature: the right time! cars only

In nature, human beings live in a state of mind for me and without me (selfishness and selflessness). Western god and southern Buddha are both without self. Now your thoughts are the most I miss! The development of science and technology has brought our ancient civilization into the information society of modernization. Can our invention keep up with the scientific trend of social development? Therefore, we should not hate, the goal of happiness to make great contributions to mankind! Maybe my thinking someone disagrees? For truth is not absolute but relative. People's class is different, the understanding Angle is different. Different knowledge, different thinking. As someone said self-reliance, hard work. Others say it is better to buy a ship than to make it. Each has each specialty, each has each benefit! This wants to stand in what Angle to see a problem! Want to want social height to develop, must everybody wants an article to be sunny, the thought is upward! In the days ahead, we should aim high and march forward with unity! Is that right? No matter without me or for my thoughts, we all must persist in efforts to rise up, make achievements and create wealth. Only rich enough human can be happy!

I put forward a new view on the operation of celestial bodies to build a house in the universe, that is, the research and development of the artificial celestial body and its supporting tool, the space obvisator, needs our joint efforts! Need the public to put forward valuable opinions and Suggestions! We need to explore and achieve together! (patent application)

My understanding of the universe is: the basis of human real life. Extremely. Class. Level. Shape. Quality. Such concepts are developed by means of natural energy level transfer. Strong or weak change state, positive or negative change direction, time change space to discuss! Altogether 6 most, the celestial body moves the new viewpoint is one of them, only one succeeds, the others all can drive! So please carefully review and think about the new view of celestial bodies. You search in 360 website (celestial body moves new viewpoint) can understand the assumption that builds a house in the universe to benefit mankind, can know mankind to be able to live back and forth in heaven and earth, live a long and happy life naturally! It was established to better serve the longevity of mankind. Freedom. Live a happy life and serve! If the theorem and formula are recognized by the United Nations and the relevant government departments, it is very convenient to set up the company! At present, the goal is to lead all kinds of friends and technical personnel at home and abroad to carry out the research and application of artificial celestial bodies together! In the no man's land of space science development, we look forward to your active participation in "space science development group company" and our efforts to make contributions to the pursuit of our dreams. (celestial body operation copyright certificate)

Our beliefs:

Love and selfless, moral plus will, go straight achievements!

Thank you very much! Wu qingyun sincerely



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